Older or impaired individuals may need additional help at home, and that’s okay. Unfortunately, relatives or caregivers may not be there at all hours of the day. That’s where medical

Medical alert systems help anyone in need. Still, some people are hesitant to use one given the many misconceptions that exist about these devices. Here are four myths about medical
What is the first alert for seniors or their loved ones to notice that should get them thinking about a medical alert system? When someone has already experienced a fall,

Can someone ever be too careful today? While accidents and injuries can happen anywhere and anytime, they can be serious for older or physically impaired individuals. Worse, what happens when

No one can ever be too safe these days—especially seniors. One misplaced step or slip can lead to an unexpected and serious injury. That’s where medical alert systems come in.

Living with or away from an older parent, relative, friend, neighbor, or loved one is scary at times. You never know when a fall, injury, or another incident could cause

Getting older means bodies change. Everyday activities, such as climbing stairs or bending over, become more challenging, and for seniors and those with physical disabilities, these activities can be potentially

Having a medical alert in your home sure is a safe bet! But did you know that your medical alert can make you safer in other ways? When you’re a Senior Safety customer if an emergency requiring Police help occurs, just press your button! All you have to do is talk to the operator, tell them what’s going on & request that they call the Police. And if you’re unable to speak to the operator, they will send help all the same.

Sometimes conversations about medical alert systems are met with hesitation. That’s unfortunate because these systems are the perfect tool for keeping your independence longer. They keep you safe in the home you love and help you live there longer. They are a preventative step to make sure that IF you have a big fall or emergency you are able to get help...