When you sign up for a GET HELP NOW medical alert, we send you a Vial of Life kit with your order, and we donate 10 life-saving kits to others in need. This means your order is not only a positive step towards the safety of your loved one, it also helps keep other seniors safe...

Staying Independent with a Medical Alert System

Sometimes conversations about medical alert systems are met with hesitation. That’s unfortunate because these systems are the perfect tool for keeping your independence longer. They keep you safe in the home you love and help you live there longer. They are a preventative step to make sure that IF you have a big fall or emergency you are able to get help...


Most seniors recognize the importance of using a medical alert as they age. While these systems are an integral part of any solid safety plan, they are just one part. Whether you are one of our many happy GET HELP NOW customers or you’re with a different medical alert service, here are some important “next steps” to consider for your on-going safety...

On Aging, Pride and Medical Alerts

Compared to a good amount of our GET HELP NOW customers I’m a young guy. I am 67, and I use a medical alert button to protect my health. In fact I wear it with great pride. For me, like for many other senior citizens, this little button is a symbol that I don’t give up without a fight!...

How great would it be to be able to see into the future while planning your mother’s medical alert service? You’d know how many years she needs the system, where she’ll stay during that time and what type of phone service is available there. For many families a lot of these variables are unknown, but with our GET HELP NOW service that’s okay...

What is the Vial of Life?

We send a Vial of Life kit to all of our new customers with their order. This kit allows them to prepare and store their medical information to be better prepared for emergencies. Turns out, having basic medical information allows firefighters, paramedics & EMTs to do an even better job of treating a patient. They’ll know important information like your allergies, medical history and more, and all this information can save your life!...

Having that medical alert conversation

When is the right time to get mom and dad started with a Senior Safety system? It’s sometimes tough to tell because there are no hard & fast rules for this sort of question. It depends on the situation and the senior. One thing is for certain though: It is never too early to get started with this type of protection. And the best way to get started is to have a conversation with mom and dad...

Extra Protection this Winter

And while our office is located in Marina del Rey, California, where it never snows or even freezes, we know many of our customers deal with extreme winter conditions every year! Winter can be a dangerous time for seniors. Protecting yourself with a solid medical alert can help you to worry less about the obstacles and pitfalls that winter can bring... and help you start enjoying it for the wonderland it is!

Medical alert technology is changing fast these days. Just a few years back, on-the-go protection like our mobile GPS systems wasn't even available... Now if you're an active senior, you can take your mobile help button with you wherever you go. Or if you spend more time at home, you can choose an in-home system with newer senior-friendly features! But what if you didn't have to choose?

Visiting family? Take your medical alert with you!

Flexibility is a big part of the service we provide. Many of our customers are snow birds, who will be packing their bags soon and moving south for the winter. And all of our customers cherish visiting and staying with friends and family no matter what time of year. We designed our Senior Safety service so that it doesn't get in the way of your life. When you feel the need to pack up and go, we want to be right there with you. That's why we make relocating your service to a new address as easy as possible!