Compared to a good amount of our GET HELP NOW customers I’m a young guy. I am 67, and I use a medical alert button to protect my health. In fact I wear it with great pride. For me, like for many other senior citizens, this little button is a symbol that I don’t give up without a fight! Age is such a relative and individual thing. Perhaps somewhere there is an 85 year old who is healthier than I and, somewhere else, a 50 year old who needs a medical alert too.
These days I have trouble understanding the pride that can get in the way of a senior protecting themselves with a medical alert system in their home. The stigma that once existed of owning a help button is disappearing more and more as seniors realize how truly important these systems are to their longevity. Medical alert success stories are everywhere, and most seniors know at least one other person who has a system. To be honest… I’ve never understood the stigma. Owning a medical alert is not weakness; In my opinion, being able to acknowledge that you might need extra help sometimes is a sign of great strength in character!
So don’t let misguided pride get in the way. Take it from me, it’s never too early to start protecting your health.